10 Oct 2017

Abacus Newsletter 9th October 2017

Abacus Kindergarten’s latest newsletter available to read now. Find out the latest news from around the school and upcoming events.

Coming Week Dates


Week Beginning – Monday 9th October

Friday K1 Beach Trips


Week Beginning – Monday 16th October

Tuesday BBQ Fair Meeting 8.30am
Wednesday  School Photographs
Thursday School Photographs
Friday School Closed – ESF Wide Training
Important Dates

Friday 13th October – K1 Beach Trip
Friday 20th October – School Closed – Staff Training
Friday 24th November – School Closed – Staff Training
Saturday 2nd December – School Fair – Please note Change of Date
Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Party
Thursday 14th December – Carol Concert
Friday 15th December – School Closed – Christmas Holidays
Our school calendar can be found here

Welcome Back

Welcome back, we hope you had a relaxing holiday and your children are refreshed and ready to learn again.

Parent Volunteers

We are now ready to begin having our parent volunteers helping in school. If you would like to sign up please click on your class link below or visit your moodle class page and click on the sign up link. The purpose of the parent volunteer scheme is to be able to give all children in the class more attention and extra people to talk to and work with. This will help them to develop socially and academically more quickly. As a parent volunteer you will first need to fill in a ‘Working with children declaration form’  in the main office and then you are able to work with children. As a parent volunteer you may be asked to do a variety of tasks including some administrative work such as photocopying of filing as well as working with groups of children on activities such as art activities, maths activities, reading activities etc. Your teacher will give you some instructions for the session so please arrive 10 minutes earlier to have a chat about the session. We will be sending out a separate email with more information for you about working as a volunteer and the declaration form. In the meantime, please sign up.
K1 Bilingual Am Class
K1 English Am Class
K1 Bilingual Pm Class
K1 English Pm Class
K2 Bilingual Am Class
K2 English Am Class
K2 Bilingual Pm Class
K2 English Pm Class

Mid Autumn Festival

Our mid autumn festival celebrations were enjoyed by staff and children before we broke for the holidays. Please find the photos here. AM Photos PM Photos

Beach Trips

The K2 children had their beach trip to Clearwater Bay beach on Friday 29th September. Please have a look at our trip photos here. The K1 children will have their beach trip on the 13th October.

Occupational Therapy Screenings

We will be offering Occupational Therapy screenings through Sensory Tots during the week of 30th October. Please see the attached flyer for more information. These screenings are voluntary, however very useful as the occupational therapy screenings can pick up issues such as fine and gross motor delays as well as social interaction and organisational delays. It is a light touch screening which can lead to a recommendation for further assessment or OT sessions. Please find the information on how to register here, Abacus Screening Introduction.

(All links open in a new tab/window)

Moodle – Your child’s portfolio and reports, class news, school news and photos.
Gateway – Change personal details, sign up for events and book parent consultations on Gateway.
The School Calendar – All important dates can be found here for this year.

Class Pages

K1 English Class
Liv Kotyck, Anita Jims and Michelle Chan
K1 Bilingual Class
Olivia Kane, Susanne Liu and Sue Tyson
K2 English Class
Fiona Hall, Bridgette Walker and Jackie Henderson
K2 Bilingual Class
Danielle Evans, Allison Fung and Laura Hamilton/Julie Rose