25 Sep 2017

Abacus Newsletter 25th September 2017

Abacus Kindergarten’s latest newsletter available to read now. Find out the latest news from around the school and upcoming events.

Coming Week Dates

Week Beginning – Monday 25th September

Monday Parent Conferences
Tuesday Parent Conferences
Fair Meeting
Fiona Out Training – Tim Cover
Wednesday Parent Conferences
Thursday Parent Conferences

Mid Autumn Festival – School Celebration – Children only

Friday K2 Beach Trip
Saturday K1 and Year 1 Central Applications Close
Half Term Holiday Begins


Week Beginning – Monday 9th October

Monday Occupational Therapy Screenings
Tuesday Occupational Therapy Screenings
Wednesday Occupational Therapy Screenings
Friday K1 Beach Trips


Important Dates

Monday 2nd – Friday 6th October – Half Term
Friday 13th October – K1 Beach Trip
Friday 20th October – School Closed – Staff Training
Friday 24th November – School Closed – Staff Training
Saturday 2nd December – School Fair – Please note Change of Date
Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Party
Thursday 14th December – Carol Concert
Friday 15th December – School Closed – Christmas Holidays
Our school calendar can be found here

Parent Consultations

Please remember to be on time for your parent consultation meeting. You only have 10 minutes for this one and it is an opportunity to hear an overview of how your child has settled and how they are doing. Please be courteous to other parents and make sure you do not run over time. If you need a longer appointment to discuss concerns please arrange this with your teacher at a separate time after half term.

Beach Trips

The K2 children will be going on their first trip this week to Clearwater Bay beach this Friday 29th September. The purpose of this visit is to socialise with other families and learn more about our local environment and each other. Parents or helpers are invited and the teachers will arrange a range of activities for the children to do. Please look out for more information and a permissions slip to complete on the Gateway system. The K1 children will also have a beach trip on the 13th October, so please mark this date in your diaries.

Occupational Therapy Screenings

We will be offering Occupational Therapy screenings through Sensory Tots after the half term break. More information will be sent out shortly.

ESF K1 and Year 1 Admissions

ESF Kindergarten and ESF Year 1 applications will close this Saturday ESF.
It would be helpful to us if you could complete the following form for us so that we can pass on your preference for school and a back up in case your chosen school is full.
Year 1 Application Data Form
Please find the powerpoint from the admissions evening here.

The Gruffalo Theatre Show

As part of our K1 How We Express ourselves unit and to prepare children for our K2 Story Telling unit the whole school will be going to watch The Gruffalo. The performance is at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on Friday 12th January at 12pm. Have a look here for more information http://www.kidsfest.com.hk/shows/2018/show1.asp. We need to book our tickets now and we receive a special discounted price for school tickets of $215 per person. We would like to invite you and your child to come along. Please note there will be no school on this day if you choose not to attend the show. Sign up on this form here for the trip please and then send a cheque to school made out to ESF Educational Services Ltd for the appropriate amount. Or you can do a direct transfer to HSBC Account No:(004) 511 335 069 001 and email the office the screenshot of the transfer. Children will need to be accompanied, therefore parents and siblings are welcome but each will need a ticket. If you are unable to attend your helper could bring your child or you can also arrange for a friend to accompany your child as well as their own child. Deadline is Friday please for payment.

(All links open in a new tab/window)

Moodle – Your child’s portfolio and reports, class news, school news and photos.
Gateway – Change personal details, sign up for events and book parent consultations on Gateway.
The School Calendar – All important dates can be found here for this year.

Class Pages

K1 English Class
Liv Kotyck, Anita Jims and Michelle Chan
K1 Bilingual Class
Olivia Kane, Susanne Liu and Sue Tyson
K2 English Class
Fiona Hall, Bridgette Walker and Jackie Henderson
K2 Bilingual Class
Danielle Evans, Allison Fung and Laura Hamilton/Julie Rose